
Bob Wollheim’s journey as a global speaker is distinguished by his rich background in creativity, digital innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership. This extensive expertise not only lends him credibility but also equips him with a unique perspective that resonates with audiences across the world.

Unafraid to challenge the obvious or conformist approaches, Bob consistently provokes thought and encourages a departure from the commonplace.

From renowned global events such as TEDx, Scream Festival, RedInnova, Cannes Lions, TechCrunch, and AI4, to exclusive corporate gatherings for esteemed companies like Telefonica, Bradesco, Azul, and Itaú, Bob is resolute in avoiding the usual corporate jargon that perpetuates the status quo. He introduces a thought-provoking lens that questions conventions.

Bob is currently crafting an engaging speech that delves into the concept of Orchestration, aligning with his forthcoming book, ‘The Art of Business & People Orchestration.’ This upcoming endeavor underscores his commitment to pushing boundaries and sparking meaningful conversations.

You can watch the moment when Bob officially launched The Art of Business & People Orchestration in Palo Alto (CA), by clicking play in the video below.

If you are interested in having Bob at your event/workshop, please send us a message below: