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Stay updated with Bob Wollheim’s latest news and thoughts.

Why now and why Orchestration?

I have shouted out loud many times that I believe we are underestimating the tipping point effects of the pandemic - the current downturn has created some flexibility at the workforce but also a lot of hidden frictions - and I believe there is a "new work" still to be invented, created and designed.

A reboot of our economic model is needed

We are now living in a world increasingly dominated by mechanistic management approaches. Because of that, a revolutionary shift in our perspective is needed. A new approach could be named: LIFE-CENTERED.

The need for a new leadership is urgent

If you feel you’ve reached the top of the leadership mountain, you are about to discover it’s all shrouded in fog. We’ve all been conditioned to see leadership as a linear climb, reaching that inspirational peak. Right? But what if the summit is further than we thought and what we see is a dense fog on our way?

Why move to the US

I love Brazil and, although it's complex moment, every place has its good and bad things. No paradise anywhere. No hell anywhere. And we don't think we've left Brazil for good, we just said "see you soon" for a life experience. And, you might be thinking, what is next? Is this for good? We are not making this question to ourselves now. We decided to let the flow tell us. 

The Future of Work is Now: How People Leaders Can Connect to the Mind Shift

In this CI&T podcast episode, Bob Wollheim, Chief Strategy Officer at CI&T, speaks with Janice Robinson Burns, Chief People Officer at Degreed, about the evolving social contract between companies and employees.

We believe in the power of double and public listening. And we would love to listen to you.

I’ve found it by creating a listening program for those that needed help in their careers or businesses. I’ve also seen many exciting learnings along the journey, which I will share here.